For the latest information about a course’s status, availability, time, and prerequisites, please consult GoSOLAR.
Click HERE for the latest catalog and complete list of anthropology graduate courses at Georgia State. It is not possible to offer all these courses in any one year.
In addition to the regularly offered courses (and any other Georgia State University courses), Georgia State University students are able to take courses at about 20 local universities, such as Emory University. Students should be aware that the cross-registration deadlines and procedures are complex and the other universities often require that students follow them to the letter.
Contact Us
The Department of Anthropology
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Department Specialist
Aikaterini Grigoriadou
[email protected]
Department Chair
Dr. Jennifer Patico
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Faidra Papavasiliou
Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Bethany Turner-Livermore