Authorization/Overflow Form
- For Permission to do one or more of the following:
- Overflow into a full class
- Waive the prerequisites for a course
Register for any course that is restricted and requires departmental permission
Directed Readings – ANTH 4999
Directed Reading Request Form (4999)
Request permission to conduct a Directed Reading (an independent faculty-advised course)
NOTE: Students must be within two semesters of graduating from their program of study to be eligible.
Internship – ANTH 4830
ANTH 4830 Anthropology Internship Form
Step 1: Pick a faculty advisor: The faculty supervisor may have prior contacts or can guide the student in the appropriate direction. However, it is the student’s responsibility to actually arrange the internship.
Step 2:Locate an organization appropriate to your interests: This is an important opportunity to learn something new and to obtain valuable work experience. Some internships are paid, such as those at New South Associates (a local CRM archeology firm). Call up or write to the organizations that best suit your interests, and ask whether they are accepting interns for the following semester. Although you may not find your first choice, you may discover clever ways to be flexible.
Step 3: Download the internship application or pick one up at the Department of Anthropology the semester before you wish to begin.
NOTE: You must obtain the signatures of the faculty advisor and confirmation (email or hardcopy) of your internship offer from your field supervisor
Step 4: Turn in the completed application to the Administrative Coordinator in the Department of Anthropology and then wait for an email confirmation that the form has been processed.
Step 5: Register online for ANTH 4830. Only 3 internship credits may be used to satisfy the 14 upper level elective requirements for anthropology majors.
Non-GSU Study Abroad/Field School – ANTH 4850
ANTH 4850 Non-GSU Exchange/Non-GSU Field School/ Study Abroad Form
For those students who wish to receive Anthropology credit hours in a study abroad program or field school, including GSU exchange programs (but not GSU faculty-led study abroad programs) and non-GSU programs.
Department of Anthropology Honors Thesis Requirements and Guidelines
Honors thesis writing and research provides students with a deeper level of engagement with a topic they are interested in than they may get in regular courses. They will have the opportunity to do primary research, which is preferred, or they may do a review of relevant literature, and they can contribute their own interpretation or analysis. An honors thesis is a stepping stone for professionalization in anthropology; it gives students experience for graduate programs and careers involving research and writing. The honors thesis research may be published and presented at academic conferences as well. The following form outlines the requirements and guidelines for the honors thesis: Anthropology Honors Thesis Requirements and Guidelines 7_31_19
Contact Us
The Department of Anthropology
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Department Specialist
Aikaterini Grigoriadou
[email protected]
Department Chair
Dr. Jennifer Patico
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Faidra Papavasiliou
Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Bethany Turner-Livermore